Yes, the famous scientist Albert Einstein nearly a hundred years ago in the 'general relativity' theory gryuytysnl (gravitational) predicted the presence of waves. Einstein's Theory of Relativity nyamumy the three pages in 1915, of which the last and most comprehensive paper was published on November 25, 1915 is considered the day of 25 November 1915 to explore the idea, but decades There was issued could not be located despite a search of waves.
Which gave considerable credence to the theory of Einstein Einstein had presented his theory nyayk century ago, after which the gravitational waves was found on a global scale.
Today, scientists have observed a change in a collision between two black holes 'space-time' based on more than a billion light years away from earth with the help of modern scientific equipment and that it was very minor change equal to a thousandth of an atom's size.
Scientists say that even the waves of gravity is identified for the first time and now is the beginning of a new era in astronomy, and will help a lot to uncover the mysteries of the universe.
the details were described.
Surely you must be thinking that what I was witnessing the waves and the waves, you know about it in detail. According to scientists, this kind of waves space and time (are produced in Spacetime) are some of the most intense events occurring in the universe. For example, when a collision between the biggest stars explode explosion or black holes. The startling thing is that the gravitational waves are also passing through solid matter, it could not hide his inner center and provide details of objects such as black holes.
Black holes may actually last state in which the gravity of a star can not get out of the light that it is appropriate to become so powerful and so called black hole. In early March last year, scientists have advanced a certain function in Lego (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatories) inaugurated laboratories. Laygu sensitive and sophisticated systems is made in collaboration with experts from 15 countries of the world, especially in the United Kingdom, Germany and Australia have been very generous role. It was built to search for gravity waves two separate laboratory experiment. Because all the data is very powerful computers used for testing nuclear deal was necessary to record the slightest movement.
Experience across the world under the waves laygu centers set up to find a laser fyrumytr Inter sent a letter to the laser beam split into two identical L-shaped vertical parallel 4 km long tunnels gryuytysnl Wave Observatory is, where he comes back, he reflected.
. The two black holes for connection to the laygu gravity waves, emitted in two separate US experience is found in labs.
That 'we're almost out of gravitational waves Lego project executive director David rytzy told reporters in Washington on Thursday. Gravity waves can learn about the origin of the universe, we may be the only possible way. If we are to be able to observe these waves can also be part of the first ten seconds of the Big Bang khrbuyn.
Gravitational waves are compressing time and space in the center circle and are spread sheet (space-time is a physical concept and say it in English or spacetime space and time). These waves are caused by the movement of materials, but most are so weak that they can not measure them.
Today's era of modern technology to get a glimpse of the gravitational waves waves to see that the most important stars and black holes in the collision or explosions in the universe are born as a result of such events. US space agency said that gravity waves from the tick stybnz NASA can learn about the origin of the universe, we may be the only potential window. Furthermore, it may help to have the most sensitive equipment for gravity waves, scientists find.
This important discovery has been declared the most suitable candidate for the Nobel Prize this year. But Einstein did not exist at the time the forecast is also concerned about the triumph of the human mind and sensors. He just mathematics, and the waves of intelligence that proved true 101 years later.
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